Sarah Jane 3rd March 2020

Laoise, I've been thinking of you so much. This weekend I looked over on the couch at Aibigéal and Amelia and the two of them were engrossed in their tablets playing mindcraft! It reminded me of you and Michael! They love it so much, especially Amelia, she has nearly 134 worlds!!!! She actually made one for me! I don't really understand it and they ask me lots of questions, sometimes Aibigéal asks could she ring Michael and talk to him about what to do! I know she loved chatting to him when he was in Dublin at Christmas and hearing about the worlds you both created. I know that the girls would love to talk to you about it too. About everything now, books, homework, hobbies. Aibigéal was looking at your joint hand writing last week and thinks it was pretty impressive that you had such beautiful joint handwriting for a 9 year old. She can just about manage her name. We love and miss you Laoise xxxx